On the basics…
Bernal Martinez, J. M. (2012). From outdoor schools to nature classrooms. Areas. International Journal of Social Sciences, (20), 171-182.
Bravo Pérez, P. (August 24, 2015). Schools in the forest: grow learning among birds and trees. Eldiarionorte.es.
Bühler, D., Fröhlicher, To., Helg, E., Hodel, F., Michel, S. & Weber, J. (2020). Guide Child and Nature until 6. ERBINAT – Association of Experiences and Education in Nature of Switzerland.
Collado, S., Corraliza, J.A. (2016). Ecological awareness and well-being in childhood. Effects of the relationship with Nature. Madrid, Spain: CCS.
Freire, H. (2014). Educate in Green. Ideas to bring children closer to nature. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Graó.
Fernández Muerza, To. (November 7, 2012). Outdoor schools: Schools in the middle of nature around the world improve students' abilities and their health. Eroski Consumer.
Freire, H. (2019). Play outdoors. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Platform.
Goleman, D. (1996). Emotional Intelligence. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Kairos.
Goleman, D., Bennett, L. & Barlow, Z. (2013). Eco Education. Educators involved in the development of emotional, social and ecological intelligence. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. EJ Juventud.
Bone, K., Walk, E. & Monzón, E. (2012). Better people for a better planet: The outdoor pedagogical project "Grasshopper", a pioneer in Spain. CONAMA – National Congress of the Environment, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 Noviember 2012.
Bone, K. (2014). Early education in nature: an investment in quality of life, sustainability and health. CONAMA. National Congress of the Environment, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 Noviember 2014.
Bone, K. (2017). We are Nature. A journey to our essence. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Platform.
Bone, K. (2019). Play outdoors. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Platform.
Kahn, P. H. (1997) Developmental psychology and biophilia hypothesis: Children's affiliation with nature. Developmental Review, 17(1), 1-16.
Louv, R. (2008). Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature deficit disorder. USA: Algonquin Books.
Pikler, E. (1985). Move freely. Madrid, Spain: Ed. Narcea.
Quevedo, L. (presenter). (November 20, 2011). Video games that cure [TV show]. RTVE (executive producer). Three14. Madrid, Spain: RTVE.
Wild, R. (2003). Quality of life. Education and respect for the growth of children and adolescents. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Herder.
About Ses Milanes in the press…
"The forest as a school of life in Bunyola"
"Bunyola acollirà les I Jornades Internacionals de Pedagogia i Didàctica a les Escoles Bosc"
"Construïm un vàter sec amb Ses Milanes a l'hort comunitari de l'Ametlar"
"Nati de Grado contà contes al Garrigó per a Ses Milanes"
"L'associació Ses Milanes reconstrueix una barraca de carboner a la Comuna"
On other projects such as Ses Milanes in Spain…
Al Aire (Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid)
Amadahi (Coruña)
Amalgma In Natura (Colmenarejo, Madrid)
Aulla (Madrid)
Grasshoppers Nature Play Group (Collado Mediano, Madrid)
The School of the Forest (Marina Baixa, Alicante)
Plisti-Plasta (Ozaeta, Barrundia, Álava)
On national associations of nature education in Europe…
Asociace lesních mateřských škol (Czech Republic)
Bundesverband der Natur- und Waldkindergärten (Germany)
EdNa (Spain)
Forest School Association (United Kingdom)
I ur och skur / Friluftsfrämjandet (Sweden)
Skoven i Skolen & Udeskole (Denmark)
Verein "Waldpädagogik in Österreich" (Austria)